Paisanos del Otro Lado
Guillermo and Conrado, two friends who successfully achieved legal status through the T visa, thanks to the dedication and expertise of Abogada Julia and her team.
En este emocionante episodio de “Paisanos del Otro Lado,” compartimos la historia inspiradora de Guillermo y Conrado, dos inmigrantes valientes que cruzaron la frontera en…
Norma, una Inmigrante que Venció las Dificultades y Ahora Tiene Sus Papeles
En este emocionante episodio de Paisanos del Otro Lado, compartimos el viaje conmovedor de Norma, una inmigrante valiente que, tras sufrir mucho en su segundo…
Rodolfo Crossed the Border as a Child and Achieved Success with the T Visa
En este emocionante episodio de Paisanos del Otro Lado, compartimos el conmovedor viaje de Rodolfo, quien cruzó la frontera siendo solo un niño y, gracias…
From Nicaragua to the U.S. in search of a new life without discrimination
Discover the inspiring story of Alexander, a Nicaraguan immigrant who, despite facing countless obstacles and sacrifices, never lost hope. His story is a testament to...
How an Immigrant Overcame Labor Exploitation and Fixed Their Papers
In this exciting episode, we share the inspiring story of Eleno, a brave Mexican immigrant who overcame labor exploitation in search of a better life in the United States. Thanks to our...
A New Life: The Story of Benita and the T Visa
Discover the moving story of Benita, a Mexican immigrant who, despite countless obstacles, found hope and a new life in the United States thanks to our incredible team...
My Job Promise Resulted in Exploitation Due to Lack of Papers
Discover the incredible story of Diego, an Ecuadorian immigrant in his pursuit of a better future in the United States. From the promise of dignified work to facing the harsh reality...
Blanca’s Sacrifice for a Better Future for Her Children
Discover the inspiring story of Blanca, a Honduran immigrant who, despite facing countless obstacles and sacrifices at the border, never lost hope. Thanks to our incredible team, she was able...